A different sort of self-care..

anxiety, depression, GP, growing up, happiness, love, medication, mental health, self-help, teenage, tips, university, wellbeing

Meg's Mental Health Blog

Wednesday 27th Feb 🌞

Self care isn’t just about lush bathbombs and facemasks, it can be taking a day off from emails, taking the bus instead of walking or making yourself breakfast for the first time in months.

As you will be able to read from my personal diaries, I’ve really been struggling these last few weeks as I feel like time is ticking and everything is moving too fast but I’ve decided to try and seize some control back and vow not to submit another piece of coursework late this semester (and I mean after my extension finishes kind of late). Nobody is going to get me out of this cycle, there’s no ‘saviour’ so I’m going to have to do it myself and here’s how I plan to.

I’ve made a list of self care orientated tasks I honestly believe have the potential to change my life and…

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