Judge less Forgive more…

ego, friends, Happiness, Love

Rads Blog

Ever wondered why you can never be mad at your mother for
very long? I Love my mom a lot, like almost all of us. If you see deep inside
its mainly because she loves you, accepts you, corrects you, does a thousand
other things and hence is just irreplaceable. Her entire life always revolves
around you. If we could just take the good part from this, try to use it in
every relationship we come across, we will have a beautiful life.

Mother not only loves you but also helps you become a better
individual, by being strict sometimes same goes with your teacher, your mentor,
or even your manager at work. They just want you to be better than what you
were before. If we do not put every
relationship we have, under the microscope, you will see things can work out
much better. It just takes few…

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