Our mental health is important, and needs to be prioritized

Keywords: Personal Blog

So, if you need to take up a new hobbie, push yourself to be brave enough to make new friends or just do that thing you’ve been afraid to do, do it because you deserve it. You deserve to be happy, to nurture that person from the past that has struggled and life is here for you to enjoy its little moments. While we’re here, we may as well live it to the full and we need to treat ourselves with care to do that.


To live the day that was given to me rather than mourn and rage against the day I felt had been stolen

Keywords: daily life , expat life , mental health and wellness , choosing yourself , chronic health , chronic illness , epilepsy , expat life , happiness , healing , lessons learned , life , life thoughts , mental health , perfectionism , running , self awareness , self love

I am done being the thief of my own happiness.


I fear that my grasp on happy is so fragile that it is tested every single day

Keywords: Cece V , Cece’s Voyage , happiness , Happy , Self-care

Now that I have a revised definition, the hindrances to my happy are glaringly obvious. I crave quiet time, free time, and writing time but rarely have either. I crave being surrounded by things that make me smile. My job is filled with more tasks that frustrate me than those that make me feel fulfilled. And, no matter how much I try, I find it’s difficult to feel present in my body even if my mind is present in the moment; the two are rarely aligned and in agreement. Nearly everything in my life is a responsibility or obligation. The list of things that bring me joy is pretty small, and the furnishing and items around me do not bring me joy. And despite my best wishes, I am practically a sitcom mom. You know the one. She loves her family but is five seconds away from losing her ever-loving mind. It’s not my family, but rather the imbalance of not meeting my own needs, which are so simple yet elusive.


I want to be the reason someone smiles ALL THE TIME!!!

Keywords: crazy , female , mental health , relationships , twenties , you , young adult

I just wanna be happy and I can’t be happy with anyone. I have to be happy with myself first, but it’s soooo difficult because then I just get triggered randomly. I can be doing just fine and be happy and you blink and I’m ripping your head off. I don’t want to do that. Sometimes I feel like a different person, but I’m not a schizophrenic. BPD maybe? Bipolar? Either way, mental disorders are not only hard on everyone but it’s more hard on the person who IS going through it because they can’t control themselves.


I believe mental health and self-improvement are not something for the few or the privileged, but rather they should be a right for anyone who has taken on the responsibility to improve themselves

Keywords: {0}

Many consider my work to be crude and unnecessarily confrontational. But I write the way I do because my goal is to challenge our cultural notions around emotions, vulnerability, shame, and sexuality. To do that effectively, sometimes you need to shock people or be contrarian.


We should be proud that we did it, and honor those we lost

Keywords: New Chapters , Good Things Jar , Gratitude , Hope , New Year , New Yearʹs Resolutions , Optimism , Year In Review

In the past I’ve reported the contents of my Good Things Jar. The first time I wrote about it was January 2015. Any time there is something good, it gets written onto a scrap of paper and tossed into the jar. Back then, Tara was living with me and we both contributed. We had intended a tradition of reviewing the good things to start off our Januarys, but we skipped a couple years, then Tara moved away for college.


The more curious you are about life, the more confused you will be

Keywords: belief maturity , easylife , happiness , happiness satisfaction , motivation , positivity , ray of hope , strong

This is how human brain functions! And that’s great thing to have because the urge to remove that confusion will let you be one step closer to enhance your knowledge, to see things more profoundly, to understand life and things related to life in a better way.


One Time I saw them while walking on the streets when I was having a rough day and seeing them instantly made me smile for no big reason and sometimes no reason is the biggest reason of all

Keywords: blogging , blogs , childhood , gratitude , life , love , memories , nostalgia , positivity , stranger , wordpress , wordpressblogger

this letter is for a number of unknown people, a letter of gratitude because I didn’t had the chance to say a big thank you to these people who probably has no idea about my existence nor do I know anything about them except
