Freedom, Independence, and Loneliness

freedom , people , featured , realtionships , happiness , psychology , philosophy , loneliness

Flora Fiction

Outside, the sun shines through clouds, tempting those stuck behind a window, wishing they could feel it on their skin. As a prisoner of responsibility, one is never free of anything. There is always something keeping you back. When we think of freedom we think of it as having the capability to do whatever we want, whenever we want. Of course, the case isn’t true with the average person: there’s work, family, pets, bills, and so much more that we’re responsible for.

Freedom consists of three main principles:

1. The absence of human coercion or restraint preventing one from choosing the alternatives one would wish.

2. The absence of physical constraints in natural conditions which prevent one from achieving one’s chosen objectives.

3. The possession of the means or the power to achieve the objective one chooses of one’s own volition.

Rashan John, Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India

What happens when you…

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Why don’t I have any Friends?

friendship, happiness, lonliness, self love

Shark Week Survival Kit Blog

In an effort to build a list for my 21st birthday celebration I sat down to jot down a list of people to invite. I came up with four people, two of which had other plans. “Why don’t I have any friends?” I thought to myself. At first I got very sad and decided that something must be wrong with me. Then I realized these things,

  1. I don’t have friends because I make myself too busy to maintain emotional depth in my social life
  2. I do not reach out to friends I once had because I don’t like to go out
  3. I am terrible at keeping in contact with people
  4. I have anxiety about my future and I have decided that every second that I’m relaxing is a nail in the coffin on my socioeconomic growth
  5. I’m not very fun

I’ve decided that these five points are the reason I…

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When Everyone Abandons You

abandonment, anger, C-PTSD, CPTSD, depression, disconnected, Loneliness, mental health, mental illness, PTSD

The Bipolar Writer Mental Health Blog

A realization came to me in mid-December. Someone I was close to, had spoken to almost every day for a year and a half, began ignoring me. It was easy to notice. I stepped away from all social media not wanting to be reminded that I’m being ignored. Maybe I said something that bothered this person. I apologized the next day, but they never responded. The realization I had, no one outside of work contacted me for almost a week. No one. Apparently, this person was my only friend. I told a coworker my situation and they helped me put things in perspective.

I moved from depressed to angry. I didn’t know the situation, but I felt used. I’ve had enough people ditch me because I didn’t give them what they wanted anymore. This felt like the same thing. So, I sent a message three days after my apology message…

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