I am scared to make more friends and if it does become one I am scared to give my best

Keywords: {0}

I won’t lie these days I tell myself, go for it is not the end of the world if this happened there are so many fish in the sea. but still I don’t have the spark that I used to have. I won’t lie I tried.


She has called me out on this and with her saying it and the help of my therapist I am becoming a better person

Keywords: gratitude , family , friends , gratitude , life lessons , lifestyle , love , mental health , self love , women

As hard as it is for me to recognize my own faults, I am so proud of her for taking it upon herself to call me out. I know that was probably hard on her but I also know it showed major growth since we both tended to brush some small things under the rug.


I am proud that I do not have friendships which are toxic

Keywords: guest posts , anxiety , depression , emetophobia , isha thorve , loneliness , mental health , no friends , psychiatrist , psychology , therapist

I spent two years of my degree college without any friends. I lost all the friends I made and I was trying to be comfortable in my own company. That surely doesn’t mean I don’t like people or having friends. I do like hanging out with people and connecting with people. But when it comes to being friends or having friends I always felt alone. For those two years I had no friends and looking back now, I realize I never really had any friends. My friends kept changing over the time or situations. I never had any constant people in my life.


In some ways it’s not good to define or label yourself — why be confined to a box someone puts you in based on your interests, how you dress or what music you listen to?

I guess my tribe isn’t a big group that hang out all together, all the time, which is what I pictured my life being like. Instead my tribe is full of individuals, who bring something different to the table. None of them like me and none of them not like me.


You are not obligated to say yes

Keywords: #writersofinstagram #writersoftwitter #liveyourlife #blogger #blog #ontheblog #ontheblogtoday #bloggersgetsocial #bloggerlife #bloggersoftwitter #newblogpost, advice, Blogger, no, relationships and friendships, saying no

The only people who get upset with you having boundaries are the people who were benefiting from it.

[i.e., benefitting from you feeling obligated to say “yes”]


With Friends Like These, Who Needs Therapy?

A Mindful Repose

Content Warning: Emotional Abuse, Trauma

Well, it certainly has been a minute since I’ve written here. Life has had a way of keeping me mentally strained for a good while. And while it may be my first post in probably a year, I’m hitting the ground running with quite a weighted topic. While nearly all the information here is very personal, I felt called to share it. This may not be a spiritual post as this blog is intended, but this definitely speaks to and provides a part of my foundation in my spiritual work, and believe this mental breakthrough will open a lot of windows in my soul and is what I hope another leg in my journey of recovery and spiritual learning. True friendship is so precious and rare and has always been hard-fought for someone like me. Every person in my life has always been an important…

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Stop expecting you from people.

motherhood , lifestyle , motherhood blog , lifestyle blog , boy mom , working mama , mama , personal blog , friendships , friend , love

Samantha Somehow Surviving

One of the harshest realities I have learned lately is to not expect other people to do what you would do for them. It’s an easy philosophy to understand on the surface but when it comes down to the roots of what it really means, for me it’s led to a lot of heartache. Isn’t that a thing also? Expectation is the root of all heartache?

I have found that just because you have a big heart doesn’t mean everyone else does. You can spent your time doing things that are meaningful and worthwhile to you and there will still be people who don’t understand your motivation.

Just because you love someone’s child a certain way doesn’t mean they will love yours the same. For some people it is not all about snuggles and hugs and kisses and spending time together; some people are not impacted by your child’s pretense…

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The Importance Of Self Care

chakra , happiness , love-yourself , meditate , meditation , self-care , self-love , soul , yoga


Self care is something a lot of us – including me, tend to skimp out on. Whether it be because we are “too busy” or just don’t think it matters, all of us need to step up our game. No matter how much you want to deny it, self care WILL increase the health of your mind, body, and soul. One thing to remember, is that self care is not a one time deal. You have to commit. You have to force yourself to do what makes you feel good, even when all you want to do is lay in bed.

In this post, I wanted to give some ideas on what you can do to self care.

  1. Turn off electronics for a few hours. You would be surprised at how much better you feel without the weight of social media!
  2. Spend time playing with a pet. Throw a ball…

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Why don’t I have any Friends?

friendship, happiness, lonliness, self love

Shark Week Survival Kit Blog

In an effort to build a list for my 21st birthday celebration I sat down to jot down a list of people to invite. I came up with four people, two of which had other plans. “Why don’t I have any friends?” I thought to myself. At first I got very sad and decided that something must be wrong with me. Then I realized these things,

  1. I don’t have friends because I make myself too busy to maintain emotional depth in my social life
  2. I do not reach out to friends I once had because I don’t like to go out
  3. I am terrible at keeping in contact with people
  4. I have anxiety about my future and I have decided that every second that I’m relaxing is a nail in the coffin on my socioeconomic growth
  5. I’m not very fun

I’ve decided that these five points are the reason I…

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All of the ugly parts of me

ugly, self, self esteem, self confidence, self image, friend, friends, friendship, relationship, relationships

Katey Writes About

Are you ready to see the ugly parts of me?

All the scars that aren’t healed just yet, and the new ones that surfaced,

The cuts and bruises of my present struggles,

The horror stories of my past,

All the flaws and imperfections of this being,

The dark corners of my soul,

The deep labyrinth of my personality,

And the circles of hell in my mind.


Are you ready to swim the oceans of my poison?

The bite marks that defined my battles,

The burning acids that I mistook as wine,

The riptide of my emotions,

All the pain that were masked as affection,

And the leash of myself that binded me enslaved.


For as long as you embrace my brokenness,

And is ready to take the leap,

I will ask you to leave me be,

Unless you’ll want to see all the ugly parts of me.

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