Our mental health is important, and needs to be prioritized

Keywords: Personal Blog

So, if you need to take up a new hobbie, push yourself to be brave enough to make new friends or just do that thing you’ve been afraid to do, do it because you deserve it. You deserve to be happy, to nurture that person from the past that has struggled and life is here for you to enjoy its little moments. While we’re here, we may as well live it to the full and we need to treat ourselves with care to do that.


Why do you want to start caring again?

Keywords: Addiction, Depression, Grief, Healing, Spirituality

I saw your resignation—your “I don’t need anything or anyone” energy evaporate, and I saw all those folks who are in your intimate orbit stunned by the miracle of you, and overjoyed at having the chance to get to know the you they never met.


They say it is true love when you miss someone even more after letting it go

It does not let you work, stay at peace throughout the day. The other side keeps on taking care of you without asking anything in return. You do not really need to say “I love you” to make them realize your feelings, it comes in automatically – day in and day out, you both become inseparable.


“Mainstream Psychology Can Go Fuck Itself” by Holly Truhlar

collapse, community, individualism, psychology

Another End of the World is Possible

I want to share this amazing article by lawyer, grief therapist, ritualist, and community builder (wow, what a resume!), Holly Truhlar, about the complicity of mainstream psychology in the systems which are destroying our society and our planet. You can read the whole article on Holly’s website. And here’s a link to an interview of her on Last Born in the Wilderness.

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Other People’s Feelings Are NOT Your Responsibility.

Career, Family, Lifestyle

I am always reading. I typically read a few books at a time, usually three to four, all about different topics and one of the ones that I’m reading right now is Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis. I read this excerpt and it just hit me so hard that I haven’t stopped thinking about it.

I was raised with a voice of authority that was male. My daddy is a strong and very forceful personality, and he demanded total obedience. I learned to live in hope of his approval and terrified of his displeasure. Then I met my husband when I was nineteen years old, and though he is a very different kind of man, I can recognize in retrospect that I transferred my feelings about my father to my husband. I was utterly codependent. I lived every day to please him and make him happy, and if…

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The Importance Of Self Care

chakra , happiness , love-yourself , meditate , meditation , self-care , self-love , soul , yoga


Self care is something a lot of us – including me, tend to skimp out on. Whether it be because we are “too busy” or just don’t think it matters, all of us need to step up our game. No matter how much you want to deny it, self care WILL increase the health of your mind, body, and soul. One thing to remember, is that self care is not a one time deal. You have to commit. You have to force yourself to do what makes you feel good, even when all you want to do is lay in bed.

In this post, I wanted to give some ideas on what you can do to self care.

  1. Turn off electronics for a few hours. You would be surprised at how much better you feel without the weight of social media!
  2. Spend time playing with a pet. Throw a ball…

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