I had a pretty good idea about what kind of life I wanted for my kid — it came fast

Keywords: {0}

I know that I will never lose perspective when it comes to how my illness affects her. It’s so important to me that she knows that my symptoms are not her fault, they’re parts of an illness. Our line of communication will always be honest. I want her to feel comfortable coming to me with questions, and I want to be able to answer as best as I can.


Here we were all wishing to grow up faster, when really I’d love nothing more than to get the chance to be a kid for just one day to soak in all those moments that seem to be wasted on us in our youth

Keywords: childhood , national nickname day , nickname

If you still have a nickname (one that you like), I hope you celebrate the fact that everyone has some boring name on their driver’s license, but not everyone is given a nickname so celebrate your uniqueness!


Stop expecting you from people.

motherhood , lifestyle , motherhood blog , lifestyle blog , boy mom , working mama , mama , personal blog , friendships , friend , love

Samantha Somehow Surviving

One of the harshest realities I have learned lately is to not expect other people to do what you would do for them. It’s an easy philosophy to understand on the surface but when it comes down to the roots of what it really means, for me it’s led to a lot of heartache. Isn’t that a thing also? Expectation is the root of all heartache?

I have found that just because you have a big heart doesn’t mean everyone else does. You can spent your time doing things that are meaningful and worthwhile to you and there will still be people who don’t understand your motivation.

Just because you love someone’s child a certain way doesn’t mean they will love yours the same. For some people it is not all about snuggles and hugs and kisses and spending time together; some people are not impacted by your child’s pretense…

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Other People’s Feelings Are NOT Your Responsibility.

Career, Family, Lifestyle

I am always reading. I typically read a few books at a time, usually three to four, all about different topics and one of the ones that I’m reading right now is Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis. I read this excerpt and it just hit me so hard that I haven’t stopped thinking about it.

I was raised with a voice of authority that was male. My daddy is a strong and very forceful personality, and he demanded total obedience. I learned to live in hope of his approval and terrified of his displeasure. Then I met my husband when I was nineteen years old, and though he is a very different kind of man, I can recognize in retrospect that I transferred my feelings about my father to my husband. I was utterly codependent. I lived every day to please him and make him happy, and if…

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Judge less Forgive more…

ego, friends, Happiness, Love

Rads Blog

Ever wondered why you can never be mad at your mother for
very long? I Love my mom a lot, like almost all of us. If you see deep inside
its mainly because she loves you, accepts you, corrects you, does a thousand
other things and hence is just irreplaceable. Her entire life always revolves
around you. If we could just take the good part from this, try to use it in
every relationship we come across, we will have a beautiful life.

Mother not only loves you but also helps you become a better
individual, by being strict sometimes same goes with your teacher, your mentor,
or even your manager at work. They just want you to be better than what you
were before. If we do not put every
relationship we have, under the microscope, you will see things can work out
much better. It just takes few…

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Feeling Like I’m Disappearing

Anxiety, Boundaries, Depression, Disability, Disappearing, Expectations, Family

Diary of an Emotional Wreck

I wonder if anyone else ever feels this way?

Lately, I feel as if I’m losing myself, as if I’ve lost myself. I don’t feel like a person anymore, but the services I perform for my family. I’m a cook, housekeeper, a dishwasher, etc.

My husband works in a factory, I’m disabled so I’m at home. Even though I’m disabled, it’s become my responsibility to take care of everything at home. I cook, wash dishes, do laundry, all the housework, most of the yard work, take care of the pets, balance the checkbook and take care of finances. I literally serve my husband his dinner in his recliner nightly. On top of all of that I manage my son’s social services and now my husband wants me to get a part time job to help bring money into the house. I don’t feel like a person anymore, I feel like…

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Nostalgia and City Lights

bataan , city-life , college-life , family , filipino , hygge , journal , leisure , nostalgia , photography , postaday , travel , writing

Gwen Eleanor

Processed with VSCO with m5 preset

Back in college, specifically my last year in, I used to live in a dormitory near the university where I was studying. I would roam around the streets of Balanga City whenever I needed some fresh (or rather, slightly-polluted)air to take a break. I preferred having no roommates so I could focus on studying, but it eventually got lonely especially during those days when I have nothing to do. So out I go.

My mother was very strict when I was in high school and would not permit me to go out of the house if it’s not school- or church-related. You see, I am an only child, and a girl at that. I’d tell all kinds of excuses just to get permission to hang out with my friends, who were also my classmates. So when I went to college, it felt so thrilling and liberating to be able…

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